Tuesday Online Sittings & Thursday In Person (in French) - SUMMER BREAK


Each week, Pascal Auclair, Roxanne Dault, Pierre-Vincent Breault-Ruel, K Laspruce, Melina Bondy, Tatiana Castellanos, Bibiana Vera and Muriel Ahmarani Jaouich, as well as other True North Insight teachers will take on the role of accompanying us in our meditation practice. The meetings include instructions on meditation, a guided meditation and teachings on the Dhamma. This exchange is broadcasted on YouTube.

In person sessions will take place once a month in person on Thursdays from 7:15 to 8:30 pm


Online sessions will be Tuesdays from 7:30 to 8:45 pm EST.

To participate in the online meditation, please register here:  Sangha francophone en ligne. The classes are offered on a voluntary basis (dana). This practice of generosity follows the Buddhist tradition, which dates back 2,600 years, when teachings were offered generously because they were considered priceless. Thank you for supporting our teachers! We look forward to meditating with you!